
Waffle shop: Maneken


         ♡Sweet Waffle

         i'm gonna write about Waffle shop: Maneken.
                 we can enjoy Belgian, Good Qualitied WafflesXD 

       Maneken is a chain shop, so we can buy Maneken's waffle everywhere!!

                                        they usually sell 4 types of the waffles all year. ↓

                                                   plain    chocolate   maple   almond

            Besides these 4 types of the waffles, we can enjoy some types seasonally.


Autmun's Special!!


chestnut                                  tea


sweet potato
All of these waffles smell nice... ♥
if u cant find Maneken shop, u can buy these waffles at convenient stores:)
but i ABSOLUTELY recommend you to buy one at Maneken shop♪

2 件のコメント:

  1. Belgian waffles! For me, they are the third thing that Belgium is famous for (after BEER and chocolate). I've never seen these shops or the waffles in convenience stores. Maybe I need to look harder


    1. You must have found Maneken's waffle in convenience store before:D

      I ABSOLUTELY recommend you to buy one!
